
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Project 6: Alternative Process Through Digital Means

Pre Work
Wet Plate Collodion is an early photographic process invented in 1850's. The process entailed the material that the photo was on to be coated, sensitized, exposed and developed within the span of about fifteen minutes. A portable dark room was needed for this. The end product of this process is a photo that had a metal look to it that often had a grey or sepia tone. This was often on a glass or metal plate and had a ornate frame. (Photo from Quinn Jacobson. URL- )

Cyanotype is a photographic process that produces a blue-cyan print. This process was used in the 20th century by engineers as a cheap way to reproduce prints. This is where the term blueprint came from. The process includes the two chemicals ammonium iron(III) citrate and potassium ferricyanide that are used. (Photo by Christian Marclay URL- )

Gum Bichromate is a photographic process that was developed in the 19th century. It is based off of the light sensitivity of Dichromates. It is often a multi-layered printing process and any color can be added. There can be one layer or many. The desired effect can be achieved through use of different layers. Colors that are used often include: Red, Yellow, Blue, etc. (Photo by Marc San Valentin URL-

Original Artwork
For my original artwork, I wanted to experiment with different textures and colors and I really liked to use a rainbow effect. The brushes are very versatile and are useful for adding to a photo. 

Final Edits

Wet Plate Collodion


Gum Bichromate

For project 6, we experimented with three new processes of digital editing. Each process is a mimic of a traditional process that was created and used before the digital camera. For each process I used brushes to make borders for my edits. Then I added a texture for each edit to give it an authentic look. After that I made each photo black and white and then adjusted the tint of the photo. After that I either added more textures, color layers, and brush effects. For my wet plate collodion, I tried to make it look aged by adding a sepia effect. This project helped me develop my knowledge of layers, editing processes, and Photoshop as a software. I think that this project was successful for me but I think I could have made better gum bichromates. Overall, I liked the project and thought it was useful.

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