
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Project 10: Utopia and Dystopia

Pre Work
Utopia by Aeon-Lux
Utopia is a state in which everything seems perfect. This may include futuristic buildings, picturesque images of nature, or images of technology that society currently does not have.

Dystopia City by i6 Developments
Dystopia is the opposite of utopia. It is a state in which everything is degraded, worn down, and broken. Typically these landscapes are shown as the result of pollution or totalitarian governments. 

Final Videos
The goal of this project was to create two 30 second videos that demonstrate utopia and dystopia. For the utopia video, my goal was to create a sense of perfectness. I used imagery of nature and peaceful objects that you would think of in a perfect peaceful society, like flowers and greenery. For the dystopia video, I tried to create the opposite feeling. I wanted to create a sense of panic, destruction, and absence of life. I used broken down and dirty items to create this feeling. I think that the videos succeeded in the goal of creating the moods of utopia and dystopia. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Project 9: Magazine

The goal of this project was to design and make my own magazine using Photoshop. Each magazine is supposed to include a variety of photos, layouts, fonts, and advertisements. I had a backpacker magazine about hiking. My magazine was the winter and spring issue and included some pictures I took while hiking in the Gorge and while staying at Lake Odell Resort.

Final Magazine Pages